First Aid Training at Work - Guidance Notes
Course Duration, Assessment and Re-qualificationThe Emergency First Aid at Work Course is 1 day (6 hours) of training. The Initial First Aid at Work course is 3 days (18 hours) of training plus assessment.
The Emergency First Aid at Work course is assessed by the trainer using continuous assessment. The First Aid at Work course assessment involves candidates being practically assessed by an independent assessor in addition to the trainer on the (a) to (d) competencies above plus multi choice questions across the syllabus. Successful candidates will receive a certificate valid for 3 years. To re-qualify on Emergency First Aid at Work candidates need to retake the course. To re-qualify on First Aid at Work candidates need to attend the 2 day (12 hour) Re-qualification course before their certificate expires. If the certificate expires they will need to attend the Initial FAW 3 day (18 hour) course. Students attending re-qualification must bring their valid certificates to be inspected before they can be accepted on the course. Candidates can attend a 3 hour annual refresher on the years between re-qualification - this is strongly recommended by the HSE to reduce skills fade.