First Aid Training at Work - Guidance Notes

First aid competencies as required for workplace training

The purpose of training is to equip candidates to deal effectively with injuries or illness which may occur at work. The key objective is that, on completion of FAW training, successful candidates will be able to apply the following competencies in practice. Please note those attending EFAW training will only fully cover competencies (a)-(d) plus training on minor bleeding, minor burns, choking and seizures.

(a) The ability to act safely, promptly and effectively when an emergency situation occurs at work.
(b) The ability to administer cardio-pulmonary resuscitation promptly & effectively.
(c) The ability to administer first aid safely, promptly and effectively to a casualty who is unconscious.
(d) The ability to administer first aid safely, promptly and effectively to a casualty who is bleeding.
(e) The ability to administer first aid safely, promptly and effectively to a casualty who is burned or scalded, is suffering from an injury to bones, muscles or joints, is suffering from shock, has an eye injury, may be poisoned, has been overcome by gas or fumes.
(f) The ability to transport a casualty safely as required by the circumstances of the workplace.
(g) The ability to recognise common major illnesses and take appropriate action.
(h) The ability to recognise and give first aid treatment for minor illness.
(i) The ability to maintain simple factual records and provide written information to the emergency services if required.
(j) Understand the importance of personal hygiene in first aid procedures.